Wednesday, August 8, 2007

No Knitting

So very distracted... but not by my knitting, so that's a problem. If I'm going to be suffering financially for not getting any work done, I should at least get a pair of socks or a new felt bag out of the deal, right?
I only have a few weeks to start practicing a "new" schedule so that I don't absolutely die when school starts. I need to practice being organized and on a schedule. I have to try to remember how to make lunches.. I'm sure I can find a helpful web site to help with that...

ah, another distraction...

I just gradually through the week slip back into the working until 2 AM, sleep until 9:30 schedule, and that just is NOT going to work when school starts. I won't make it sleeping from 3 to 7. Unless I sleep while they are at school, but I think that's just counterproductive. I need to be pro-productive during daylight hours, and force my natural rhythms to comply with the sleeping at night, working in the day. No matter how much it hurts, they are probably not going to be supplying a Kindergarten night class anytime soon.
In Knitting news, I'm in line for Ravelry - only 14854 people in front of me in line. Hopefully they get their real big-people servers up soon so they can get us all in. I'm working on my B4 bag and the stole. Haven't started the next socks yet. Really want to do that sweater/duster thing...think I have time for a knitting class?

In Doula News, I'm sending in my application to Operation Special Delivery today. The whole military culture is very alien to me. But, that doesn't mean I don't respect the value of the military and the sacrifices those families make. I feel like tihs is a way I can help too, even in a small way. Basically, you volunteer as a Doula to be with women and support them in their pregnancy and birth, while their partner is deployed or otherwise unable to be there. There is apparently no state coordinator for Oregon, so in case I don't feel like I have enough to do or my commitment list is growing too short, I can volunteer to do that too.

In midwifery news, I'm still working on completing the steps so I can send for my Pre-Pak from AAMI. I'm also trying to put together the $$ so I can register for the Gentle Birth Conference thing at the end of September. If I can, I'd like to go to the Trust Birth conference in March, but that might be too much of a stretch.

I really need some meditation time, but I think I'm going to need to meditate in order to find where the time is to meditate. So, that loop is kind of closed.
My sister is on her honeymoon now, apparently she's become quite ill along the way. Hopefully, she feels better soon so she can enjoy the rest of her trip. Aren't they cute?

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