Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gearing up

It's kind of like "cowboy up" right? No, just the preplanning phases for school, infringing upon our precious summer days. My kids haven't been in school for quite a while. Charlotte, never, Nick not since 4th grade. So, 5 years of homeschool. All of the sudden..POOF (or POOP, as I inevitably typed) we have parent planning meetings, back to school shopping, registration fees, school pictures, extended Kindergarten fees, bus passes, carpooling, after school care, school lunch and after school snacks planning... Planning, planning...Can I maintain even the illusion of being organized enough to handle all this????

I mean holy creeping crud! When do I get to knit? While I'm driving? I also am supposed to be working for a living, oh, and working on promoting myself as a doula, continuing my education, preparing to send for my AAMI Pre-Pak to get started on that.

Well, at least I did finalize my registration for the Gentle Birth World Congress taking place at the end of September. I'm looking forward to the waterbirth credential workshop. You can never have too many credentials. *grin*

Spent all my mad money at the going-out-of-business sale at Mabels. So sad to see a yarn store close, but I did get some rockin good deals. Now, I have to save up some cash for Oregon Flock and Fiber next month. I have a month. I can do it, right?

In my*spare* time, I'm still working on Keith's hunting hat, and my B4 bag (I must be working on these in my sleep, because I'm looking at the calendar, and I don't see ANY spare time in the waking hours) I REALLY want to start another pair of socks soon. Kids will be in Aikido starting in September, so that will give me some knitting time. Unless I want to be responsible, in which case I will use that time to study, or work. Ha. Ha. Hahaha.

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