Friday, August 10, 2007

Knitting Day!

I do need to work for a few hours. And put some laundry through the system. And probably vaccuum. And, taking a shower and brushing my teeth would be a good move. But after all that... I'm going to KNIT dammit. I need just a few hours of NOTHING-BUT-KNIT time. Just for me. And maybe some champagne and cheese. And chocolate. Yeah. I'll call it a Brighid day. Blogging, cheese, knitting, housework. All that is missing is the forge and anvil.

I'll post my progress on the B4 bag tomorrow.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I love those kind of days...a couple of not-too-demanding chores and the rest of the day to knitpurlknitpurlknitpurl in peace.

That bag is gorgeous. The beads make a very nice embellishment.

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