Monday, October 29, 2007

Something to gripe about

I've been a member in good standing of a "certain druid organization" for nearly 10 years. Paid my annual dues, even volunteered my time and resources to promote the org locally. Right now, my only reason for renewing this year, is that I have been in it for 10 years, and I'd hate to break that streak of being a member of anything that long. But really, what do I get in return? The classic answers are 1. dedicant/study programs and 2. guilds. I finished the initial study program, not really interested in doing much else with that. I'm studying midwifery, not much room for other study.

The guilds - great, except now they want us to dig deep and personally donate extra to sustain our guilds. Like we shouldn't expect the organization to do that. Or like the organization can't AFFORD to do that. Which is hogwash. (pardon my farm)

Otherwise, all I really seem to get from the organization these days is inane drama. Which is sort of entertaining, but I can watch Days of Our Lives for free. Why do I want to pay annual dues to watch people bicker on-line? Every 4 to 6 months or so, there is an interesting discussion, and I guess I'd hate to miss that. Or would I? Maybe I'd rather be knitting...

Currently on my needles, I'm about a third of the way up the body on Keith's sweater. It's going a lot faster than I'd expected it to. I also started a pair of Naga Socks with my new Yarn Pirate colorway called Killer Bees. I'll take some pictures later after the sun comes up.

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