Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Getting Organized

So, I spent a good bit of my morning yesterday, trying to get everything AAMI organized. My next step is to get a whole slough of copies made of some forms. My little duck sewing box is keeping a space and keeping everything from tipping over right now, but probably will need to find a new home eventually. See that coffee can on the shelf, next to the computer? That's my new highlighter pen disguise. The hope is that it might help to keep them from walking off, if they are sealed in a can.

The really good news is that I did finally find my desk. Honestly, I wish I had a better space for studying, rather than my work space. I'm not sure how to switch my brain into school mode from work mode, without getting distracted one way or another mid stream, all day long. But, that's a problem that tends to follow me no matter what I'm doing. Obviously, something I need to work on.

My poor printer is rapidly losing it's battle with old age. I'm to that point now of trying to decide if I want to invest in one more toner cartridge, or go a little more and just get a new printer altogether. I've been Jonesin for a color laser printer for quite some time. I'm sure the toner for those is going to cost me even more than the ones for this dinosaur as well. I just have so much to print these days, and this poor printer... it just barely knows how to communicate with these new fangled computers, and oh, to have color. *sigh*

Anyway, the day is starting here. Lunch for Charlotte, Breakfast for Charlotte, kids to school, drop of money for school pictures, then drop of the payment for extended-K, then head over to get my hair done, then off to the library to vote, and pick up a book, then back here to work for a bit before heading back to pick up kids at school. *whew*

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