Thursday, September 13, 2007


So, the kids are liking school. Nick has settled in pretty well to high school. He's becoming a bit broody, but I think that's got something to do with having to be up so early every morning, and he's trying to sort of expand his world. Nothing wrong with that!

Charlotte loves her school. They bake bread and make soup, they play outside a lot.

Unfortunately, we did not make it through a whole week before Charlotte got sick. :( She's on the couch right now, trying to just be mellow and veg and not think about it. I am bathing in Purel, and hoping I can get some work done today. Must generate cash for Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival next weekend! Must! And two more weeks to the Gentle Birth Congress. Yay! *crossing fingers for no sick kids*

On my own school, I'm waiting for delivery of my AAMI PrePak which effectively starts my enrollment at AAMI. WOOT! I am accumulating books, reading every quiet moment I get, which is not many. I'm keeping my knitting in my purse so when I arrive places early I can work on it a bit. Working in the day, trying to get used to driving again, working in the evening into the night, up early the next. This year is going to be a challenge, to be sure, but I'm sure we can do it.

Still, I'm tired.

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