Sunday, September 23, 2007

Commitments and Priorities

All she wants to do is knit, except when she wants to spin...

First, the Ravelry update...

You are #23291 on the list.
6660 people are ahead of you in line.
11763 people are behind you in line.
47% of the list has been invited so far

Getting closer...

Can you change your priorities? You can try to change where you invest your energy, but if you don't feel it as a priority, it's just a really heavy drag, isn't it? I know I NEED to work a little harder and make more money, but gods, I really don't WANT to.

As my life has been upside down, inside out and just generally remodelled in the last few weeks, I'm feeling a little disoriented to say the least. The commitments have changed some. But my priorities remain the same. I almost didn't even go to Flock and Fiber this weekend. It sucks to go with no money. So many beautiful fibers and yarns. And bunnies, oh the bunnies.. But one of my priorities is spending time with my family. I did, I went. With my family. And it did feel good. Not as gloriously and giddy-ously good as it has in years past. But the crowd there is good. You can' hardly help but be swept away with all the people walking around with eyes glazed over and big giant grins on their faces. It's almost like they've been smoking that wool or something. Someday, I'm going to go to that thing with some real cash, and time to actually do something with what I buy. Yes, someday.

I've got more commitments than I know really where to put them. Work, school, more work, more school, mom taxi, housework, dinner, exercise (ha).... but what I keep trying so hard to find time for is not working towards my work or my education, but my knitting. The fiber stroking hobbies are always first on my list of wanting to make time. I SHOULD be making time to work more, make more cash, or making time to work more on my midwifery school and doula certification. Or get out and get some exercise. But only so many hours in the day. And I have my priorities. And knitting is kind of like doing yoga, right?

I have my afternoons, which seem like hours that need to be filled up with something more productive than just wrangling 5-year-olds. Finding I can knit and holler, hey! stop that! without missing a beat. figuring if I try to spin though, I'll be telling kids not to stick their fingers in there.. ;)

Maybe I'll try to get them into some more crafting projects. I just wish we had the room to have just "dedicated crafting space" so they could have projects and things to work on. But there is only the kitchen, and that is already committed to something else. Eating is a priority after all.

I feel so tired. and I know, I'm only going to get more tired. But, it's the sacrifices we make, trying to build a better life. Speaking of which, I ought to get back to working on that. Work, I mean. If I get done early, I can knit. It's my little carrot to keep me on track. And wow, I sure would like to get that credit card paid off. Pay off the Visa, and you can use the next month's payment to buy yourself a shiny new spinning wheel! How's THAT for an incentive! I guess I just have to figure out how to creatively use my priorities to inspire myself to fulfill the commitments.

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