Tuesday, January 25, 2011

what am i doing wrong?

This is my kefir... how do I get the kefir grains out?

My first batch looked basically like milk, not thickened at all, smelled super yeasty and tasted kind of salty. but the kefir grains were right there, and easy to put back in the container, cover with milk and start again.

This batch, which I let go longer, is all curdy and whey. I'm not sure how to separate what is curd and what is kefir grains. Heyelp?

Also, my water kefir is brown. Should it be brown?
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Red Hog Farm said...

Wash your hands really well, and go digging. It sounds awful, but it really is the most effective way to get them all out. <3

Chelle said...

Okay, I did it. It was actually, weirdly, pleasant. and my skin, it's like the old Palmolive commercials!

Would it be weird to suggest my husband soak his feet in Kefir? Do people do Kefir pedicures?

William said...

This is the site that was reccomended to me about kefir how to.

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