Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Taking Steps, Baby Steps

I haven't been much of a blogger lately, but I thought I'd post my open letter to those in my life..

Hello Fambly –

I haven’t been avoiding anybody, (really I haven’t) I’ve just been trying to change the direction of my life. Which is sort of like trying to turn a really big building to face in another direction. I thought I’d just update you on the status of things round here.

The dream moves pretty slowly, but it does finally feel like there is some motion in the ocean. I had a dream last night that I was trying to make deliveries in my old car up on Mt. Tabor, but it was icy, and my car was full of a lot of garbage. For some reason, I knew I’d be better off if I cleaned that car out before I tried to navigate any more ice hills (aka slippery slopes). But I have to do it in small batches because the dumpster is a long way away, and the ground is slippery. So, baby steps, Dr. Leo Marvin, baby steps.. And I just knew I was driving the right car to keep from sliding backwards, even on the ice. My life is equipped and stable, just still needs a little de cluttering and cleaning out. And obviously, would have been smarter to clean it out before heading up the mountain, or not let it get so full of trash in the first place, but you do what you have to do.

I’m working on my web site and the preliminary version is here: www.willowbirth.com I still don’t have a logo I like very well, and my time has been pretty limited for working on it. I still find myself a little skeptical about the logistics of creating a business designed to serve people who by definition, probably can’t pay. But at the base of it all is the idea of empowering people through the birth process, and beginning to empower them as parents, in ways that the “system” just doesn’t do. I’ve been particularly interested in working with teen moms, and it seems like Catholic Charities is one of the best organizations in here in town to work with. (Thank you, Providence)

I’m working my way through my doula certification through Birth Arts International, and took their workshop in April. At the same time, I’m starting work on my midwifery program through Ancient Arts Midwifery Institute. There is quite a bit of crossover in their requirements so it shouldn’t be too difficult to do both. I’m also fascinated with the idea of eventually pursuing some sort of Childbirth Educator certification, and Birthing From Within is certainly my favorite in that regard, although Ancient Arts Midwifery has a CBE certification option within the midwifery program, so I will likely do that as well. There’s also a Gentle Birth conference in Portland this September, and I’m hoping to do the waterbirth certification workshop at that.

As with most education, it’s the cost of books that is going to be one of the big strains. The books I’ll need for my training I’ve compiled in an Amazon wish list. So, in case, you know, you have this undeniable desire to buy me a present. (that’s right, I’m begging for books *grin* - and I am not offended by used books). You can sort the list by priority and the highest priority ones are the ones I need sooner rather than later. I’m working to acquire these by selling other books I have (which also makes room for the new ones), but it’s slow going.

You can see the Wish List at:http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/3BROVHT7XI7LU

So, if anybody would like to design a logo for me (haha) I’m looking for something willowy, willow branches, willow tree, watery, and the words Willow Birth on it. I have one that I actually like pretty well, but the resolution on the graphic image makes it a little blurry for business cards. (if you want to see what I have let me know)

In other news, I’m still working my “day job.” We took a very much needed vacation in June to the beach for a week. Mom and dad came out for a few days. We have a couple of camping trips scheduled for August, but that’s all we could do this year. Keith has taken to riding his bicycle to work and he’s enjoying that. I think he actually gets home from work faster that way. Both kids are attending school this fall. Nick is going to Benson High School, and Charlotte is going to a new Charter school in North Portland called Portland Village School. I’m “hoping” this affords me more focus time to keep my irons from falling out of the fire and burning me or the house down. But we shall see.

On top of all this, we are making some remodelling/reconstruction plans for our house, some of which we hope to accomplish this summer, but the biggest bit will happen next summer.

But we are all healthy and doing okay. No major crises lurking on the horizon, or at least we are blissfully unaware if they are. Near as I can tell, it’s nothing worse than some slippery slopes to navigate, which I’ll take over steep rocky cliff climbing and running from tidal waves any day.

We will continue with the mantra of “next year it will get easier” until it comes true (or we go crazy).

Love to you all!

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