Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Busy Weekend

Still feels like nothing got done..

We went last weekend to the Pomeroy Farm Herb Festival and bought a bunch of herbs. And I SWEAR this time, they will LIVE! At least through the summer. Bunch of culinary herbs like varieties of basil, rosemary, thyme, sage. Some mints for their own pot. I even got three kinds of catnip, which have to live in a hanging basket high above the porch for their own survival. Lane will roll in it to death otherwise.
My sister is getting married this summer and I want to make them a lace stole. I may be getting ahead of myself in terms of just how fancy my knitting skills are. But we'll see. If I get to the first of July and find that it just looks like crap, I'll just make them some lovely heirloom washcloths. ;)
My joints are getting worse. My hands ache all the time. REALLY need to get my broken butt in gear and change this career path. Constant typing is just not going to work out for the long term. Oh, and I still have this weird rash on my thumbs. It's like, the pigment in my skin is turning brown. In the bright sunlight, you can see that it has some spots that are more pink, and the skin is starting to flake a little. I don't know what it is. But my medical transcriptionist brain goes right to the pathology potentials. It's probably not Alzheimer's disease, but there's always sarcoidosis, or rheumatoid arthritis. Or, as I've joked to my husband, I probably have about enough Native American blood in my veins to fill my thumbs. Maybe that's it.
Our beach vacation is finally on the horizon. I NEED this vacation like nobody could believe. Naturally, I'm taking my work with me because even though I need it, and I can have it, I really can't HAVE it. blah. I have some other projects I need to work on, my little doula bio, my web site, the ADF Seers study program... and several knitting projects.
Speaking of, I'm going to yank the yarn out of the little vest thing I started because I'm just positive there isn't enough yarn. I figure, since even when I look and think, oh yeah, there's plenty, I tend to run out. So, if I look and say, I don't think there's enough, then there is DEFINITELY not enough. But, this yarn will make a really cute tote bag.
Okay, better get moving on the mundane life... library, post office, bank... work, work, work...

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